own = BE OWNED. Can own things but just don’t be bugged by them…

Octipie Simplify
3 min readJun 2, 2021

I owned a few normal things before this Pandemic. They didn’t bother me at all. I needed to use most of them often so there was utility. I needed to be ‘socially’ presentable anyways i.e. be groomed enough and presentable enough to walk around looking like someone with decent credit score, someone who owned things and didn’t live in a card-board box. People still judged in an innocuous way. Trust me — no suit is good enough unless made from the summer wool of a golden silk sheep (they are now extinct) mixed with the world’s first-borns’ babyhair tailored by a zombied-out Michaelangelo. Everyone had one except me, apparently.

Fast-forward to the current state of affairs: no more need to wear an itchy-shirt during a Zoom call (just a non-transparent shirt will do).

YUPPERS. No more useless items. Only ‘Useful’ ones deserve my cash. This is probably spiritual minimalism: strip things down to the bark and look at trees while they’re naked.

We can keep owning items to feel less dead inside but usually whatever we own will be considered garbage in the near future and few others will actually want them from us. At which point we’d have to figure out ways to shove it in other people’s homes, like in a will and bequest, certainly because they owe us in some shape or form. Or, pretend that some poor stranger will love these items and baby them so we send them out the door that way. Trying not to pollute here. Some things last for hundreds of years too… imagine how many generations’ homes we can trash with our trash. THIS THOUGHT BRINGS ME JOY TOO!

I’m still going to own rocks, seashells, and plants and increase my stash of them though. They do take up space and some do require pouring my life-energy (and boatloads of fiat) into them. Energy-wise, it’s draining to line up rocks in a militaristic way so they perfectly emulate the Milky Way, but organized, not messy like the stars, duh. Or…making sure all the seashells from the Same Location/Beach were never mixed with another country’s/location so there’s no co-mingling of seashells in my glass jars. That’d be QUITE THE SIN…like WOAH STOP BEFORE THE PO-PO COMETH.

I dig my electronics too. More iphones — one already has a cracked glass so it will be considered as good as dead soon (expensive weaksauce non-bullet-proof glassed iphones SUCK ) and certainly more monitors and more screens between my eyes and my hands and my feet and the coffee table and lastly, walls. Five layers of screens between me and the wall is a minimum requirement for me to be happy. I don’t need all of them to do work— I just like having them around to pretend I have more friends while in my home.

And a few more items to own is also nice — at least the ones with utility.

I’m not going to discuss owning people or relationships or experiences or habits just yet… those require more adult smart thinking and dissection in a meaningful way. I write silly and dumb mostly. Live to fight another day.



Octipie Simplify

Creative Outlet for Licensed Professional For Start-Of-Day Writing Sharing of Random Bits on Earth